Why Making Videos is So Hard

Making videos is hard. Let’s face it. It’s not for everyone.

A few weeks ago I shared this video with a private group of clients and bloggers on why making videos is so hard.

Most could relate to it.

So I thought why not share it with you guys. This is just a snippet of it as the full video is slightly long. It’s available on my Youtube channel. Link in the first comment.

In short, some of the biggest factors that deter people from making videos are

Fear of not being able to look good on camera

Fear of not being able to speak well

Fear of not having anyone watch their videos

Fear of not being consistent

and more..

The struggle is real and I get it. But guess what the good part is — all these problems are solvable.

Not everyone is a born orator. But it doesn’t mean you don’t have a story to share or a lesson to teach.

Some of the ways to overcome the fear is:

1. Plan in advance

2. Use numbers a a guiding factor not as a judgement

3. Seek a mentor

4. Practice

They seem generic advice at first but when you actually implement it, you realize it’s importance.

And as they say, actions are louder than words — here is the video I made on this topic.

nupur singh